Tag Archives: Inspiration

Deception of the Vegan diet


It’s my firm belief that nature never intended us to be Vegans or Vegetarians. Else we’d not be Omnivores. Just like our dogs and cats are carnivores. We don’t even attempt to put them on vegetarian diet. The beauty of this attitude, as with all things of spiritual nature, is that as an omnivore you can be a vegetarian if you want, but your dog cannot. I have friends who are fierce Vegans … Continue reading

The audio process


I have begun recording “The process of positive willpower” into a short and free online talks. This is taking place in january through february 2014. The original work, inspiring this task, was made a year ago in Icelandic. This article is simply a memo, I will update it when the recordings are done. These recordings are located online at media.not.is. Enjoy