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Tag Archives: Islam
Condemning other people’s faith condemns the judge

There is much discussion in the world, secular and non-secular, saying that The Koran – or Qu’ran – condemns Jews and Christians. Some of the people who claim this even claim to have studied Islam to an extent. I for one know for a fact that no true prophet of The One God would dare to condemn other prophets, other scriptures or other faiths. A prophet is … Continue reading
The Christians wage war on other faiths

The original message of Yehoshua son of Mary was to promote the same freedom and Inspiration as all true prophets before him and all true prophets after him. His core message, as with that of the others, is a simple two step method to find true personal inspiratin from Our Creator. 1). Open up a a personal inspired relationship. 2) Abolish idolatry. Each prophet teaches this insight … Continue reading
The western mainstream versus the Islam mainstream

There are reasons why the so called “Muslim world” is upset about the famed caricature and all of said reasons are inalid and condemn those who do the condemning. The main reason is because Mohammad strictly forbade any pictures of him because as a prophet he fought against idolatry. Therefore any picture of M. would upset any devout Muslim. But the moment the muslim decides to mock … Continue reading