Verse 34. Rulers of the world

I am Guy Ellis. I am a prophet of God.

I am instructed to tell you about the rulers of this world.

It’s a natural process of the human being to choose for himself a ruler, it is part of being human. There is nothing wrong with it, and as with everything, not all rulers are perfect, and many rulers have shown themselves to be bad yet appeared to be very kind and vice versa.

God isn’t concerned with these things. This does not matter to him.

Human beings are on this planet. They have all the abilities and skills to do the things they need. They have the wisdom, the insight, the intellect and the courage to choose the way they want to choose their leaders. They have all the intelligence and ways of reasoning to understand when a ruler or a spiritual and powerful ruling being is beneficial for them or not, and every human being knows the concept of “beneficial to me.”

Every human being has the ability to understand spiritual values and make choices.

Life is more interesting when people are given the freedom to evolve and grow, and sometimes even to take steps backwards in their personal evolution and maturity.

You see – your soul has a destiny. You can choose different kinds of destinies and by using time you can change your destiny for different directions and you can even sidetrack.

You see – you are completely free, within the prison we are in called “this planet” and its evolution and its cycle. There are other prisons, your soul might re-incarnate there as well. But it’s very common that “kindred souls”, cling together, they strengthen each other. Like clusters, it’s beautiful, it’s natural.

You don’t believe me? Look at nature. Use your science.

You see – God is into this: He’s into the personal aspiration and possibilities “of you”. He’s into you! If you open up to him and allow him to be part of your life, you will gain from his powers and you will grow in ways you could not find otherwise.

Then you will recognize the others who have accepted him in their lives.

And you see – the more of you there are, the less there will be of the shadows and the more we will be able to work at it and the better rulers of this world we will choose amongst ourselves.

You see – God is into this: People working together, people sharing common goals, in positivity, creativity, loving kindness, joyfully.

But not deceptions and not lust for power!

God bless.

The audio version




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About Guy Ellis

Alchemist and a prophet of God, with passion for training dogs. Like a perfect poetry; Doesn't get any better than that.

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