Impossible path

We want to do the right thing, but we don’t. We want to eat healthy, and then opt for fastfood. The difference is the choice of words.

Wanting something and wishing for it isn’t the same thing. I wish I’d eat healthy, but I want to eat fastfood. I might wish to exercise more, but I want to stay in and watch TV.

You do what you want, and hope for what you wish for.

We usually see the path required to take us from what we wish for and to what we want. We see it but don’t dare to try it. Or perhaps don’t believe we can do it! Often the path seems to be impossible and we don’t dare to try it. I know that if I want to lose weight I have to exercise more, but I don’t do it.

We make excuses like, “I have so many other responsibilities” or “I don’t have the time”.

More often it is because of fear. We have created our daily routines, and duties, and we’re comfortable. Change might bring something we’re not expecting to be comfortable with. The dogmas of our beliefs also hunt us as. “I cannot do this because it would change the way I think or what others believe about me. I might lose respect of those who share my believe.

Who will take care of those duties if you die tomorrow? What would happen if you didn’t have any fears? What would happen if you decided to change your opinions of your path? Perhaps you’d find a way to be more than you are today!

In here lies the difference between wanting and wishing. If you want something, you’ll do it, you’ll find a way. Even if it seems impossible to others. Perhaps you just have the wrong company.

Your life is a gift, and everything you have, is also a gift. This is also true of those around you, they are a gift. You don’t own anything, not really. Like hinted at above – you cannot lose what you do not own.

Choosing to live your life, as opposed to “keeping it” requires change, and those around you won’t like it. It is true that you possess certain things, like your car, your clothes or small gagdets. But you don’t own your life, it was given to you, life owns you. You belong to it, and its tidal currents.

Changing your life will change you, and attract new people into your life, and repel some of your old friends. We usually attract those who are like us, or similar in some way. If you have uninspiring friends, then what are you?

Those who have taken this plunge, never want to go back. The trick is to understand the difference between a wish and a want.

When you want to grow and change, you will take the plunge. If you only wish for it then it is better not to think about it at all. You’re not ready if you only wish for it. If you wish for somehing, but believe it to be a want, then you’ll only diminish your willpower.

This is a spiritual secret.




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About Guy Ellis

Alchemist and a prophet of God, with passion for training dogs. Like a perfect poetry; Doesn't get any better than that.

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