Tag Archives: Shadow

Static culture of intellectual decay


It’s very easy to debate applications of ideas where most people agree to the idea as valid in itself but not as to how to apply it or if not at all. This is where most people get stuck. It’s similar to the question I often pose; Do you believe in god or about god? Using small ‘g’ denotes the god entity as a ruling idea and … Continue reading

The Soul creates the world, unknowingly


It’s no secret that I’m hooked on consciousness, and for a good reason for I found there an entire world, a far greater world than the hypnotized slice offers. What it is and how it is, I cannot divulge. Let’s just say that you have to map it out for yourself, and learn how to be the highwayman*. One aspect of what consciousness is – but not … Continue reading

Life without meaning is void


I have for a while held the opinion that when an idea is presented to my mind, that my cognitive abilities elaborate on it and when creativity is awakened that the idea is connected to other idea(s). In essence, I am simply a manifestation of *something* from the Universe and that I am neither a separate entity but more a perception of such, and in the same … Continue reading

The real conspiracy


There is no conspiracy behind this Conspiracy theory. There are no evil people out to get you and fool you.  There are people who control your ideas and society because you, the public believe their systems and ideas. There are also people in control because you don’t want to be responsible and you don’t want to make a stand for what you believe in. Therefore the ones who … Continue reading

The Desert

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This is the world-insanity test You know that the world is insane and that you’re sane by this test: That you’re doing certain things, and everyone believes that you’re insane, and yet by that very judgement you know that they’re insane but you’re not bothered to explain it to anyone. In fact, you continue doing what appears to be insane for the simple reason that in the … Continue reading



When I woke up I had a sad feeling inside. I’m not new to such feeling. In fact I’ve used the intensity of this feeling to monitor the state of my depression every morning for the past eighteen months. I stood there in my garden with my dogs on their morning business, feeling sad, more like crying inside. The feeling was more intense than usual. I was … Continue reading