Tag Archives: Fear

Threading an eye of the needle with a rope


Long time ago there was a prophet who said that it would be easier for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of the Heavens than for a Camel to go through the eye of the needle. Ever since people have taken his words out of context in our world of fear and hate. Take for example one of his most ferocious pupils Paul, when he wrote … Continue reading

To find your voice you must leave normal behind


You live in a world wide culture denying God, even those who claim to believe that he exists rarely believe in him and don’t do real worship. Of course there are explanations, rules and many regulations, ideas and even doubts in your own mind;  insecurities and enigmas – about him or her or it. I was just the same. Until the summer of 2010 when I received the first inspiration. I had … Continue reading

Follow the drug money


There’s a lot to be said about drugs. I used to get a lung infection called bronchitis a couple of times every year for a few years. Doctors gave me prescriptions and told me that I would never get free from this. I was explained that because I’d had pneumonia as an infant and because I smoked that I’d always be vulnerable to the infection. I was … Continue reading

Dream of who your soul desires to be


Close your eyes and travel to your dream. Not the dream of all you want to have, for what you can have you can also lose. Not to the dream inspired by others, because you can never be others.  Go to the dream of who you want to be.  Dream of who your soul has always wanted to be. Don’t dream of what you can be, only … Continue reading

The seven deadly sins


A prominent religious dogma has used the seven deadly sins for centuries to control people. All these seven sins are of course grave things by themselves, but they are not sins. As God revealed to me and is recorded in “God’s Will” there is only one sin. That sin can even be forgiven to you. This might contradict some of the ideas you’ve been taught. Especially it … Continue reading