Tag Archives: Insight

The Wings of God’s name lead to a tower of power

Guy Ellis in 2020

Many ex-Jehovah’s Witnesses don’t believe that Freemasons observe them after their ex-communication, nor do they recognize why this is. Many ex-Witnesses have stumbled in later days of their path of purity after they left the fold, for they forgot the teaching of Job. When the Judge who condemned me for two crimes, of where I was only guilty of one, I realized the “sign of Job” and … Continue reading

Magic of monotheism


Fighting for other people’s awareness is and has always been a waste of your energy and getting you into that has always been an agenda of the forces who rule, for it keeps you occupied and hanging out to dry. That’s why testifying is important. You state your mind – based on your values and not on your opinions – and then move on, focusing only on … Continue reading

Threading an eye of the needle with a rope


Long time ago there was a prophet who said that it would be easier for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of the Heavens than for a Camel to go through the eye of the needle. Ever since people have taken his words out of context in our world of fear and hate. Take for example one of his most ferocious pupils Paul, when he wrote … Continue reading

The Soul creates the world, unknowingly


It’s no secret that I’m hooked on consciousness, and for a good reason for I found there an entire world, a far greater world than the hypnotized slice offers. What it is and how it is, I cannot divulge. Let’s just say that you have to map it out for yourself, and learn how to be the highwayman*. One aspect of what consciousness is – but not … Continue reading

A spiral of diverse perceptions


You hear much talk about consciousness, different kinds, expanding or higher or different or shifting and so forth. What you don’t hear so much that it’s all egotistical and none of it soulful. For there is only one human consciousness and it’s only a realm within a consciousness where everything that lives has a share. Ego tries to define subjects and label them but soul doesn’t need … Continue reading

Ignoring your village will kill you


I don’t mind that it is difficult for people to understand that the sun shines. I don’t mind that people find it difficult to connect dots if they have a lot of? ?knowledge? from their educational years but know nothing about generating information. I mind when a teenager of modern times knows more today than Leonardo DaVinci knew, more than Christopher Columbus knew, more than William Shakespeare … Continue reading

Reflecting on John Trudell


This man was mentioned in God’s Will for a very good reason. For the view of the spiritual perception, his understanding and insight is profound. I discovered him by chance through someone else who loved his poetry and music. I borrowed a named “A.K.A. GRAFITTI MAN” and simply fell in love with the poetry, the music and the spiritual content, so much that I bought myself a copy … Continue reading